PCAP Analysis refers to traffic analysis using the traffic stored traffic captures (packets/frames) in a PCAP file. In this section, we will cover the exercises that deal with analyzing WiFi, HTTP, and VoIP traffic using Scapy and PyShark Python libraries.
What will you learn?
Analyze/process traffic stored in a PCAP file with Scapy and PyShark Python library
Scapy documentation (https://scapy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/introduction.html)
Pyshark library (https://github.com/KimiNewt/pyshark)
Labs Covered:
In this lab, you will learn to interpret and analyze the WiFi traffic stored in a PCAP using Scapy Python library.
In this lab, you will learn to interpret and analyze the HTTP traffic stored in a PCAP using the PyShark Python library.
In this lab, you will learn to interpret and analyze the captured network traffic using the Scapy Python library.
In this lab, you will learn to interpret and analyze the WiFi traffic stored in a PCAP using Scapy Python library.
Wi-Fi Traffic: Pyshark and Scapy
In this lab, you will learn to interpret and analyze the WiFi traffic stored in a PCAP using Scapy and Pyshark Python libraries.
In this lab, you will learn to interpret and analyze the VoIP traffic stored in a PCAP using the PyShark Python library.