Live Cracking

This section covers the live attack/cracking labs for personal networks protected by personal WiFi security schemes such as WEP, WPA-PSK and WPA2-PSK. An emulated WiFi environment and monitor mode capable wlan0 is provided to users.

What will you learn?

  • Understanding how WEP Cracking works and recovering secret WEP key

  • 4-way handshake and WPA/WPA2-PSK passphrase cracking


  1. WEP in depth (

  2. How WEP cracking works (

  3. How does WPA-PSK work? (

  4. Cracking WPA-PSK secret passphrase (

Labs Covered:

In this lab, you will learn to attack a WEP protected WiFi network operating in the vicinity and retrieve WEP key. A non-exhaustive list of activities to be covered includes: 

    • Use airodump-ng to capture traffic 

    • Use aireplay-ng to replay the ARP packets to increase the frame count

    • Use aircrack-ng to recover the WEP key

    • Connect to the network using wpa_supplicant (with recovered WEP key)

    • Obtain IP address using dhclient

    • Perform Nmap scan to discover the machine on the LAN side of the router.

In this lab, you will learn to attack a WPA-PSK protected WiFi network operating in the vicinity and retrieve the secret passphrase. A non-exhaustive list of activities to be covered includes: 

    • Use airodump-ng to locate the network and capture traffic

    • Use aireplay-ng to launch deauth attack and disconnect the client to capture the 4-way handshake

    • Use aircrack-ng to launch a dictionary attack and recover the secret passphrase

In this lab, you will learn to attack a WPA2-PSK protected WiFi network operating in the vicinity and retrieve the secret passphrase. A non-exhaustive list of activities to be covered includes: 

    • Use airodump-ng to locate the network and capture traffic

    • Use aireplay-ng to launch deauth attack and disconnect the client to capture the 4-way handshake

    • Use aircrack-ng to launch dictionary attack and recover the secret passphrase

In this lab, you will learn to attack a WPA2-PSK protected WiFi network that is not operating in the vicinity but a device that has used that network is. Perform honeypot attack and retrieve the secret passphrase for that network. A non-exhaustive list of activities to be covered includes: 

    • Use airodump-ng to observe the probe requests

    • Use airodump-ng to capture traffic

    • Use Hostapd to create a WPA2-PSK with the same SSID name as the SSID name appearing in probe requests

    • Use airodump-ng to capture the partial 4-way handshake

    • Use aircrack-ng to launch dictionary attack and recover the secret passphrase

In this lab, you will learn to attack a WPA-PSK protected WiFi network operating in the vicinity and retrieve a secret passphrase. A non-exhaustive list of activities to be covered includes: 

    • Use airodump-ng to locate the network and capture traffic

    • Use aireplay-ng to launch deauth attack and disconnect the client to capture the 4-way handshake

    • Use aircrack-ng to launch dictionary attack and recover the secret passphrase

    • Connect to the network using wpa_supplicant (with a recovered passphrase)

    • Obtain IP address using dhclient

    • Perform Nmap scan to discover the machine on the LAN side of the router.

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Live Cracking: WPA-PSK

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Pivoting over WiFi: WEP

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Pivoting over WiFi: WPA PSK

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Live Cracking: WPA2-PSK

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AP-less WPA2-PSK Cracking